Concept Class - Impala
"A strong force on the battle field. They combine the nature of the area and their own talents to make a devious weapon Their Baton uses the ground to weaken their foes and make the battle easier."
Armor: 70
Energy: 25
Energy Regeneration: +3
Weapon Of Choice: Baton
Unique Skill: Sentry Trap
Baton Stats
Damage: 19-25
Quickness: Swing every 1.33 seconds
Held: Doubled - Handed
Type of Damage: Blunt
Sentry Trap Explained:
A Sentry Trap is a trap everyone can see. It is not easily interupted like a regular trap but usually has a longer casting time. Sentry Traps only attack adjetant foes every 3 seconds but can usually be disarmed by some skills. Sentry traps are a lethal weapon and cannot move unless attacking. Unlike spirits they do not provide any protection and cannot attack ranged. Also unlike spirits Sentry Traps deal different types of damage depending on the skill and stance.
Simplicity - For every other point into simplicity you gain 1 health and .5 energy for every non-spirit creature adjetant to a Sentry Trap when it is created.
Mechanics - This attribute has no inherit affects. Many skills relating to traps and ones strength become stronger with more points into this attribute.
Crimson Defense- This attribute has no inherit affects. Many skills relating to weakening foes strengths become stronger with more points into this attribute.
Baton Mastery - Your attack is increased with more points into this attribute. Many skills relating to attacking with your baton become stronger with more points into this attribute.
No Attribute
Defuse Trap - skill; one Sentry Trap is diactivated
10 3 30
Signet of Agility - signet; you gain 10 energy if activating a trap
1 30
Destinies Barge -{E} elite enchantment; target ally is ressurected but dies if your energy reaches zero
10 -1 energy regenergation
Alcolytes Speed -{E} stance; for 5-14 seconds you activate Sentry Traps 50% quicker
15 2 25
Trapper's Defense - stance; for 3-12 seconds you have a 75% to block attacks but are easily interupted
5 45
"Easy Does It" - shout; all nearby allies activate skills 10-25% faster for 2-10 seconds
10 30
Tiger's Agility - stance; you move 33% faster and block 75% of projectiles for 3-18 seconds. You lose 22-50 health if successfully hit by a projectile.
10 20
Bone Spear Trap - Sentry Trap; a sentry trap is activated in that position for 3-15 seconds. Every three seconds all adjetant foes to that trap take 10-35 piercing damage.
10 4 30
Trap of the Steam Geyser -{E} Sentry Trap; a sentry trap is activated in that position for 3-15 seconds. Every three seconds all adjetant foes to that trap take 12-35 damage and if moving slower than normal are set on fire for 1-3 seconds.
15 5 45
Strengthening Aura - Enchantment; you do +5-13 damage when you attack adjetant to a trap.
10 1 -1 energy regen
Blade Trap - Sentry Trap; a sentry trap is activated in that position for 3-15 seconds. Every 3 seconds all adjetant foes to that trap take 12-30 damage and start bleeding for 10 seconds.
10 4 30
Crimson Defense
Tantalizing Sweep -{E} Elite Attack; your next attack dazes target foe foe for 3-11 seconds and blinds the foe for 3-10 seconds.
5 20
Dust Flurry -Hex; for 3-20 seconds whenever target foe suffers from blind he also suffers from daze for 3 seconds.
5 2 30
Jabbing Rejuvination - Enchantment; you gain 0...1 energy regen and 1-3 health regen for each coniton on you.
10 2 30
Blinding Rush - Enchantment; you gain 30-120 health the next time you suffer blind.
5 2 30
Baton Master
Fire Whirlwind -{E} Elite Attack; all adjetant foes to you suffer +12-24 fire damage and are set on fire foe 1-3 seconds.
8 adren
Back-Hand Jab -Attack; you attack for +12-32 damage and have an extra 10-45% of a critical hit.
6 adren
Cranium Smash -{E} Elite Attack; you attack for +12-24 damage and target for is dazed for 3-12 seconds. Target foe is interupted if enchanted or activating a spell.
5 energy
Snake Sweep - Attack; target foe is knocked down for 1-3 seconds and you lose all hexes, enchantments, and adreneline.
6 adren
Fake Smash -Attack; target foe is interupted and knocked down if a spell is interupted. You lose all enchantments and adreneline.